Do you want to travel from Rajshahi to Cox’s Bazar to Rajshahi by bus? If yes, then you are at the right place. In this article, I am going to sharing with you Rajshahi to Cox’s Bazar to Rajshahi bus scheduel and ticket prices. Also, you will be able to get here the total distance and times. So let’s get started.
- 13 hr 50 min (638.2 km) via N1
- 15 hr 9 min (640.3 km) via N5 and N1
Rajshahi To Cox’s Bazaar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
The most popular buses are on operation on Rajshahi to Cox’s Bazar route. Among them, Shyamoli and Desh Poribahan are most notable. You will get available Shyamoli and Desh Poribahan buses on Rajshahi to Cox’s Bazar route and you will get a safe and full of pleasure journey by the two buses. The ticket prices are also given in the below box.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shyamoli | — | — | 1400 | — | |
Desh Travels | — | — | 1400 | — |
Cox’s Bazaar To Rajshahi Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Cox’s Bazaar to Rajshahi is the most popular bus route and a lot of buses run on the route daily. Among all of them, Shyamoli, and Desh Travels will be the best buses for Cox’s Bazaar to Rajshahi route. Modern tech-based Shyamoli and Desh Travels serve you a safe and comfortable journey. The ticket price is only 1100 Tk.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shyamoli | — | — | 1400 | — | |
Desh Travels | — | — | 1400 | — |
All the information in this article is according to some dependable sources. And I always try to make the article free from any errors and mistakes so that you can get all the updated and correct information.