Bus Schedule

Lakshmipur To Sylhet To Lakshmipur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Many of us travel from Lakshmipur to Sylhet to Lakshmipur by bus, and they have to face many problems on the way of the journey not to know train schedules and ticket prices. So today, I am going to share with you all the bus schedules and ticket prices of the route so that anyone can get all the information sitting at home.

  • 2 hr 52 min (124.5 km) via N1
  • 3 hr 31 min (121.0 km) via Gauripur – Kachua Rd/Z1044 and N1

Lakshmipur To Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Here I am going to share with you the Lakshmipur to Sylhet bus schedule and the ticket prices. It will mainly help the passengers who want to travel from Lakshmipur to Sylhet by bus. I have gathered here all the bus schedules and the bus ticket prices that run on the route. Just keep reading the following information.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
BRTC 450 500
Sagarika 500

Sylhet To Lakshmipur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Sylhet to Lakshmipur is a busy route, and lots of people travel on the route daily. BRTC and Sagarika are the two buses on the route, and all of the buses are reliable. You will get both AC & Non-AC category buses for the trip, and the ticket price will be 400 to 500 Tk.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
BRTC 450 500
Sagarika 500

That’s all about the topic. I hope this article will be helpful for you. For more information about the topic, please stay connected with us. Thank you.