Khulna to Cox’s Bazar to Khulna is considered one of the busiest routes in the country. Daily a great number of people travel from Khulna to Cox’s Bazar to Khulna by bus. If you are one of them then you should have some information like the bus schedule and ticket prices and all the information you will be able to get from the article. For the trip, you will need
- 13 hr 56 min (497.1 km) via N1
- 13 hr 33 min (589.4 km) via Dhaka – Khulna Hwy/N805 and N1
- 14 hr 25 min (507.5 km) via Dhaka – Khulna Hwy/N805, Tekerhat – Gopalganj Rd/R850 and N1
Khulna To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
As Khulna to Cox’s Bazar is a long-distance route so there are many buses are on the operation to provide communication services. But all of them are not reliable and comfortable. Eagle is one of the dependable buses that are very popular on the route and it will serve you a pleasurable journey.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Eagle | — | — | 1350 | — |
Cox’s Bazar To Khulna Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Cox’s Bazar to Khulna is one of the busy routes and daily hundreds of buses run on the route with thousands of passengers. Eagle, a renowned and reputed bus transport, is in operation on the route. The total distance of the route is 497.1 km via N1 and it will take 13 hr 56 min. I have also added here the ticket prices in the following table.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Eagle | — | — | 1350 | — |
I hope your journey will be enjoyable as well as comfortable. The ticket price is also given in the table that is within your reach. Thank you.