Every day many people travel from Jamalpur to Nilphamari to Jamalpur, and most of them are not aware of the bus schedules and ticket prices of the route. So they are to face problems. Jamalpur is a district under Mymensingh Division, and Nilphamari is a district in the Northern part of Bangladesh. Here all the bus schedules and ticket prices are available below.
- 9 hr 5 min (340.4 km) via Dhaka – Rangpur Hwy/N5
- 10 hr 37 min (394.4 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4
Jamalpur To Nilphamari Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
Jamalpur to Nilphamari is one of the long-distance bus routes. The distance mainly spreads 340 km with a duration of more than ten hours. The Trahi Express is one of the well-known buses on the route that contains all the modern technologies. The ticket price is given in the below table.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Trahi Express | — | — | 500 | — |
Nilphamari To Jamalpur Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
Jamalpur is a district under the Mymensingh Division, and Nilphamari is a district in the Northern part of Bangladesh. On the route, you will be able to get the most popular Trahi Express bus that will serve you the best facilities on the way of journey.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Trahi Express | — | — | 500 | — |
Finally, I want to tell you to be careful while traveling and keeping everything close to you. Have a good journey.