How many buses run from Dhaka to Khagrachhari to Dhaka, the bus schedule for the route, and what is the price of the bus ticket are the most common questions that almost come from the passengers of that route. Maybe you are also a passenger on that route and so you have come here to know the bus schedule and route ticket prices. If I say yes, then you are in the right place. Here you will be able to get the answers to all the questions in detail. Just keep reading.
- 7 hr 14 min (285.0 km) via Dhaka – Chittagong Hwy/N1 and N1
- 8 hr 44 min (306.2 km) via Dhaka – Chittagong Hwy/N1
Dhaka To Khagrachari Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Dhaka to Khagrachhari is one of the well-known routes. Often the passengers try to travel some reliable buses so that they can get an exciting and safe journey. I have gathered here all the bus schedules that will help you in many ways will be able to provide you a safe journey. In addition, you will get here the ticket prices along with the bus schedules. There are two types of bus tickets here AC and Non-AC.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Hanif | 09:45 PM | 10:45 PM | 620 | 1400 | |
Green Line | 10:05 PM | 10:05 PM | — | 1400 | |
Year-71 | 09:00 PM | 09:00 PM | 620 | — | |
Saintmartin | 08:30 AM | 11:45 PM | — | 1400 | |
Soniya Shanti | — | — | 620 | — | |
S Alam | — | — | 620 | — | |
Shymoli | — | — | 620 | — | |
Shanti | — | — | 620 | 900/1000 | |
Echono | — | — | 620 | — | |
Eagla | — | — | 620 | 850 |
Khagrachari To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Khagrachhari to Dhaka is only the route by which you can come to the northern part of the country. So apparently it’s the busiest route. Here if you notice below you will find some bus schedules as well as their first and last trip times. Also, you will be able to get here the ticket prices of certain buses. Most of the buses have two types of ticket prices AC & Non-AC. For more information read the following table carefully.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Hanif | 09:30 PM | — | 620 | 1400 | |
Green Line | — | — | —- | 1400 | |
Year-71 | — | — | — | — | |
Saintmartin | 09:20 PM | — | — | 1400 | |
Soniya Shanti | — | — | 620 | — | |
S Alam | — | — | 620 | — | |
Shymoli | — | — | 620 | — | |
Shanti | — | — | 620 | — | |
Echono | — | — | 620 | — | |
Eagla | — | — | 620 | 850 |
This information is based on some reliable sources. If you have anything else to know, you can leave a comment.
Dhaka to khagrachari on 16.12.2021 at 7 am,7seats needed