Tungipara bus is a popular bus service for Dhaka to Khulna route. Here you will get the information about the Tungipara bus schedule and more related information. If you read this article you will be able to know all the information about the Tungipara bus.
This bus is very famous for the passenger. Because all the Tungipara buses look beautiful and classical. If you didn’t travel by the Tungipara bus yet, you should try it. If you want to travel by any Tungipara busses, you need to know information about it. The seat quality and facilities of this bus are very attractive.
If you want to travel on the Dhaka to Khulna to Dhaka route by bus, you should travel by the Tungipara bus. Before traveling by bus, you need to know some information. If you read this article carefully then you will get all the information that you need. The distance between Dhaka to Khulna is approximately 246 kilometers. This route has AC buses also Non-AC buses. The first bus leaves the counter at 04:45 AM and the last bus leaves the bus counter at 11:55 PM.
Related: Emad Bus Schedule With Ticket Price.
I hope this information will help you. You can buy or book a ticket online. If you have any questions, you can leave a comment.