Bus Schedule

Sylhet To Chittagong To Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Do you want to travel from Sylhet to Chittagong to Sylhet by bus and so you are looking for reliable bus schedules and ticket prices of the route? If yes, then don’t worry. You are at the right place. In this article, you will be able to get all the reliable bus schedules and ticket prices of Sylhet to Chittagong to Sylhet route. Also, you will get the distance and ticket prices.

  • 7 hr 48 min (371.9 km) via Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2 and Dhaka – Chittagong Hwy/N1

Sylhet To Chittagong Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

All the most popular buses are in operation on Sylhet to Chittagong route. So you can travel any of the buses on the route. Here I have arranged all the well-known buses in the below table with the schedules and ticket prices. So that you can travel any of the buses following the below schedules. You will be able to get the ticket prices either.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
ENA 1000
Mamun 1000
BRTC 1000
London Express
Saudia Coach 1000 1200
Romar 1000

Chittagong To Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Chittagong to Sylhet is one of the bus routes and there are many passengers who travel on the route daily. For a better journey, you need a good-quality bus. Here are some reliable buses on Chittagong to Sylhet route that always serves the best services to their passengers. You are also able ot get a comfortable journey.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
ENA 1000
Mamun 1000
BRTC 1000
Green Line
London Express
Saudia Coach 1000 1200
Romar 1000

I have taken help to completed the article from some valid sources. I hope you will benefit from the article. Have a good journey.