Bus Schedule

Sonapur To Sylhet To Sonapur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Do you want to travel from Sonapur to Sylhet to Sonapur by bus? If yes, then don’t worry. Here I am working for you to serve all the information you need for a better journey by bus on any route. In this article, I will share with you the Sonapur to Sylhet bus schedule and the ticket prices thoroughly. Keep reading patiently.

  • 6 hr 1 min (223.4 km) via NH6 and AH1
  • 6 hr 46 min (258.6 km) via NH6

Sonapur To Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Many people travel from Sonapur to Sylhet by bus daily for their daily purposes. Often they find the bus schedule and ticket prices for the route. But most of the time they remain to fail. So today I am here with the bus schedule and ticket prices of the Sonapur To Sylhet route. There are two buses named BRTC & Sagorika on the route. For more information read the following article carefully.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
BRTC 450
Sagarika 500

Sylhet To Sonapur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Often we find some reliable buses for a safe and comfortable journey. There are some dependable buses named BRTC & Sagorika on Sylhet to Sonapur route. The buses are very popular on the route and the staff fo these buses are trained.  Here I have also arranged ticket prices separately with the bus name.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
BRTC 450
Sagarika 500

All the information in this article is from some authentic sources. I always try to provide the correct and updated information. Have a good journey. Thank you.