Here I am providing you numerous information about the Shyamoli Paribahan Bus Counter In Sylhet. If you want to travel from Sylhet through the Shyamoli Paribahan Bus, this is a very important article for you. From here you able to know the Shyamoli Paribahan bus Sylhet counters exact location and also their contact numbers.
Shyamoli Paribahan Bus Counter In Sylhet
Shyamoli Paribahan buses travel all over Bangladesh and they have so many counters in different places of Bangladesh. In Sylhet, they have a total of 5 counters, these are Kadamtali No 1 Bus Counter, Kadamtali No. 2 Bus Counter, Suburban Bus Counter, Humayun Rashid Chatar Bus Counter, and Mazar Gate Bus Counter. The contact number of these counters are given below, collect your essential one.
Kadamtali No 1 Bus Counter
Mobile No: 01716-036687
Kadamtali No. 2 Bus Counter
Mobile No: 01726-6870244
Suburban Bus Counter
Mobile No: 01913-032228
Humayun Rashid Chatar Bus Counter
Phone No: 0447-8880907
Mazar Gate Bus Counter
Mobile No: 01792-875375
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