Every day many people travel from Rajshahi to Sylhet to Rajshahi and so now there are many buses on the route. If you have a plan to travel Rajshahi to Sylhet to Rajshahi by bus then you have to know their schedules and ticket prices that are very hard to get. But you can easily get all the information in the below article. So keep reading carefully to get all of them.
Rajshahi To Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
If you notice below, you will be able to get four reliable bus schedules in the below box. All the buses run from Rajshahi to Sylhet route daily with lots of passengers. You will be able to get a comfortable journey and a secure journey. The ticket prices are not so costly but within reach.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Hanif | — | — | 1200 | — | |
Shyamali | — | — | 1100 | — | |
vai vai | — | — | 1100 | — | |
R. P. Elegance | — | — | 1100 | — | |
Rice | — | — | 1100 | — |
Sylhet To Rajshahi Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Sylhet to Rajshahi is one of the common bus routes and you can travel on the route easily. If you make a plan to travel from Sylhet to Rajbari then I will suggest Shyamali, Vai Vai, R. P. Elegance, or Rice bus for the trip. The ticket prices of the bus are not so costly and you will be able to have a comfortable journey by this bus.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Hanif | — | — | 1200 | — | |
Shyamali | — | — | 1100 | — | |
vai vai | — | — | 1100 | — | |
R. P. Elegance | — | — | 1100 | — | |
Rice | — | — | 1100 | — |
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