Many of us travel from Rajshahi to Meherpur to Rajshahi by bus. Are you one of them? If yes, then you have to pass about 159.6 km via Kushtia – Meherpur Hwy/R745 route. Meherpur is the northwestern district of the Khulna Division. There are many buses run from Rajshahi to Meherpur to Rajshahi and today I will share with you the bus schedules and ticket prices of the route in detail.
- 4 hr 13 min (159.6 km) via Kushtia – Meherpur Hwy/R745
Rajshahi To Meherpur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
BRTC fully Bangladesg Raod Transport Corporation is State-owned bus transport of Bangladesh. All the modern services and technology are available on the bus. All the staff of the bus is trained and serve you the best services. The bus runs in all the important routes including Rajshahi to Meherpur route.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
BRTC | — | — | 240 | — |
Meherpur To Rajshahi Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Meherpur to Rajshahi is a popular route by which you can easily travel from Meherpur to Rajshahi. On the route, you will be able to get many buses but BRTC will be the best. BRTC is monitored and controlled by the Government and all the staff of the bus is trained and highly educated. So there is no room for any doubt of anything.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
BRTC | — | — | 240 | — |
I hope you are now fully ready to travel by the BRTC bus on the route. If you need more information on any bus-related information then let me inform or visit the site.