Maybe you want to travel from Mymensingh to Kurigram to Mymensingh by bus, and you want to know the bus schedule and the ticket prices for the route, and so you are here to know all the information you are looking for. If yes, then this article will be the best for you. Here I have arranged all the information that you need. Just keep reading the article carefully and collect all the information that you need.
- 9 hr 14 min (330.5 km) via Bogra – Rangpur Hwy/Dhaka – Rangpur Hwy/N5
Mymensingh To Kurigram Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
Mymensingh to Kurigram is a busy route, and lots of people travel on the route daily. If you want to travel from Mymensingh To Kurigram, you will be able to get two buses named Ananda enterprise. Here I have given the ticket price Non-AC category bus. To get more information, read the following information carefully.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ananda Enterprise | — | — | 650 | — | |
Jasoda Paribahan | — | — | 650 | — |
Kurigram To Mymensingh Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
Kurigram to Mymensingh is one of the common and popular bus routes in Bangladesh. There are many buses run on the route. Among them, Ananda Enterprise, and Jasoda Paribahan are the best that run on the route, and you will get these buses available. You will get a Non-AC category bus for the trip, and the ticket price will be 650 Tk.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ananda Enterprise | — | — | 650 | — | |
Jasoda Paribahan | — | — | 650 | — |
That’s all about the topic. I hope you have already got a clear conception of the topic. Have a good journey. Thank you.