Mujibnagar to Dhaka to Mujibnagar is one of the main bus routes in the country. Many people travel from Mujibnagar to Dhaka to Mujibnagar, and to meet their demons, there are many buses are now in operation to serve the communication services. Mujibnagar, formerly known as Baidyanathtala and Bhoborpara, is a town in the Meherpur District of Bangladesh. The remaining information is given below.
- 8 hr 21 min (262.5 km) via N5
- 8 hr 24 min (294.2 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy
- 8 hr 31 min (247.1 km) via Dhaka – Kushtia Hwy
Mujibnagar To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
There are three routes you can go from Mujibnagar to Dhaka. All the routes, as well as their total distance & ticket prices, are given above. For the trip, you will need around eight and a half minutes. There is a well-known bus that is very popular on the route named JR. If you travel by this bus, I hope your journey will be full of pleasure.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
JR | — | — | 450 | 600/800 |
Dhaka To Mujibnagar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Dhaka to Mujibnagar is a top-rated and notable bus destination, and from a long time ago, people travel from Dhaka to Mujibnagar for their daily purposes. There are many buses in operation on the route, and I have gathered here a bus with its detailed information in this table below. The ticket price of the bus is meager.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
JR | — | — | 450 | 600/800 |
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