There is a good communication link between Manikganj to Chittagong to Manikganj and the route is a very popular and busy route. The distance from Manikganj to Chittagong to Manikganj is 287.8 km via Dhaka – Chittagong Hwy/N1 and for the trip, you will need 6 hr 29 min. Often ask me to inform them of the bus schedule and ticket pieces of the route. So today I am going to share with you the bus schedules and ticket prices for the route in detail.
Manikganj To Chittagong Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Manikganj to Chittagong is a long-distance route. Often the passenger comes to the bus station and looks for the bus schedules for a long time. There are many buses on Manikganj to Chittagong route. Among all the buses, Unique service, and S Alam are the best bus transports in terms of services and facilities. To get more information. focus on the following table carefully.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Unique service | — | — | 750 | — | |
S Alam | — | — | 750 | — |
Chittagong To Manikganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
The Unique service bus and S Alam are the most reputed and popular buses in the country. Both of the buses are very updated and very comfortable. These buses are also available in the Chittagong to Manikganj route. So you can make your journey by bus and get an enjoyable experience. The ticket prices are no so costly of the bus.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Unique service | — | — | 750 | — | |
S Alam | — | — | 750 | — |
All the information in this article from some authentic sources. I always try to make the article free from errors and mistakes. So that you can get all the valid and ongoing information. Thank you.