Maijdee is a city in southeastern Bangladesh located in Noakhali District. There are some good connections between Maijdee to Dhaka by bus. You will get here three routes. For those who want to travel from Maijdee to Dhaka to Maijdee, this article is for them. Here all the bus schedules and ticket prices are given below with the distance & times.
- 4 hr 53 min (167.8 km) via N1
- 5 hr 5 min (197.6 km) via Dhaka – Chittagong Hwy/N1 and N1
- 5 hr 10 min (162.2 km) via Gauripur – Kachua Rd/Z1044
Maijdee To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Some popular buses in operation on Maijdee to Dhaka route named Ekushey Express, Himachal Express, and Moon line. The three buses have provided communication services to the people for a long-time ago with a great reputation. The remaining information is given below.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ekushey Express | — | — | 350 | 500 | |
Himachal Express | — | — | 350 | — | |
Moon line | — | — | 350 | 400 |
Dhaka To Maijdee Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
The distance from Dhaka to Maijdee is about high, just 175 km, and here I have arranged information of three buses named Ekushey Express, Himachal Express, and Moon line. The three buses are trendy on Dhaka to Maijdee route. There is some remaining information in the below table. Read patiently.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ekushey Express | — | — | 350 | 500 | |
Himachal Express | — | — | 350 | — | |
Moon line | — | — | 350 | 400 |
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