Lakshmipur to Dhaka to Lakshmipur is one of the bud destinations, and a great number of people travel from Lakshmipur to Dhaka to Lakshmipur by bus. So the rouet remains busy almost all the time. If you want to travel from Lakshmipur to Dhaka to Lakshmipur, you have to pass 135.2 km via Gauripur – Kachua Rd, and you will need 4 hours.
Lakshmipur To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
After long research, I have gathered three bus schedules and ticket prices named Dhaka Express, Himachal Express, and Royal coach. All the bus schedules are arranged here in the below table serially so that you can get any of the information easily. The ticket prices are not so costly.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Dhaka Express | — | — | 450 | — | |
Himachal Express | — | — | 450 | — | |
Econo Service | — | — | 450 | — | |
Al-Arafah Express | — | — | 450 | — | |
Royal coach | — | — | — | 600 |
Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
If you notice below, you will find three buses with their schedules and ticket pieces. The ticket prices of the buses are the same, and all the buses are very well-known on Dhaka to Lakshmipur route. If you want to travel from Dhaka to Lakshmipur, then keep reading the following table carefully.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Dhaka Express | — | — | 450 | — | |
Himachal Express | — | — | 450 | — | |
Econo Service | — | — | 450 | — | |
Al-Arafah Express | — | — | 450 | — | |
Royal coach | — | — | — | 600 |
All the information in this article is from some valid sources and is based on the Bangladesh railway. To get more information on any bus schedules, then come to the site again. Thank you.