Many of us travel from Laksam to Dhaka to Laksam by bus and when they make a plan to travel from Laksam to Dhaka to Laksam come to the bus station. After that, look for the bus schedules and ticket prices that are very hard and painful. This is why I have arranged all the schedules with the ticket prices of the route here.
Laksam to Dhaka bus schedules and ticket prices are available here and If you want to travel from Laksam To Dhaka then this article is for you. Notice below in the above table where all the reliable bus schedules and ticket prices are available.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Asia Exclusive | — | — | 350 | — | |
Al Baraka | — | — | 350 | — | |
Moon line | — | — | 350 | 400 |
There are many buses on Dhaka to the Laksam route. If you notice below, you’ll be able to get three bus schedules with the ticket prices. All these buses are comfortable and you’ll be able to get an excellent journey easily.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Asia Exclusive | — | — | 350 | — | |
Al Baraka | — | — | 350 | — | |
Moon line | — | — | 350 | 400 |
All the information in this article is from some authentic sources. If you find any wrong here, then let me know; I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Thank you.