Bus Schedule

Kishoreganj To Dhaka To Kishoreganj Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule

The distance from Kishoreganj to Dhaka is around 100 km. It is a long-distance route, and many buses run on the route daily with hundreds of passengers. If you want to travel from Kishoreganj to Dhaka to Kishoreganj, you have to know the bus schedules of the route with the bus ticket prices.

  • 3 hr 47 min (100.7 km) viaRajendrapur-Kapasia-toke road /R312
  • 3 hr 58 min (96.2 km) via Joydebpur Rd
  • 4 hr (104.6 km) via Dhaka – Mymensingh Hwy/N3

Kishoreganj To Dhaka Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule

Here I have arranged some daily run Kishoreganj to Dhaka bus ticket prices. If notice below, you will find two buses named Ananya and Ananya Classic. The ticket prices of the buses are the same 200 Tk. For more information, read the following information carefully.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Ananya 250
Ananya classic 250
Jatayat paribahan 250
Tisha Coach 250

Dhaka To Kishoreganj Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule

Here I am going to discuss Dhaka To Kishoreganj Bus Ticket Prices. There are many buses on the route, but Ananya and Ananya Classic are very popular among them. Both buses provide the best services and facilities for their passengers. The ticket price of both buses is only 200 Tk.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Ananya 250
Ananya classic 250
Jatayat paribahan 250
Tisha Coach 250

That’s all about the topic. All the above information is updated and correct to use any of the information without any doubt. Thank you.