Today I am going to share with you Jamalpur to Tangail to Jamalpur bus schedule and ticket prices. The total time & distance from Jamalpur to Tangail to Jamalpur are 2 hr 31 min (93.5 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4, 2 hr 56 min (96.4 km) via Z4801 and Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4, and 3 hr 30 min (123.8 km) via Ghatail – Sagordighee Rd and Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4. To get all the information in detail, read the article from top to bottom.
Jamalpur To Tangail Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
There are many buses run from Jamalpur to Tangail with taking lots of passengers. But all of them are not reliable. But for a better journey, a dependable bus is a must. This is why I have already collected a schedule of a reliable bus named the Padma. The Padma is one of the reliable and renowned buses that are very popular with the people of people who travel from Jamalpur to Tangail.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Padma | — | — | 130 | — |
Tangail To Jamalpur Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
If you notice in the following table, you will see a reliable bus agency named the Padma that is the most popular bus on the route. For the trip, you will need about two and a half hours. Basically, the bus ticket prices depend on the bus category. For a high-quality bus, the ticket prices are relatively high. For detail, read the article patiently.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Padma | — | — | 130 | — |
On this site, all the bus-related information is available and all the information is collected from some dependable sources. So that you can make proper use of it.