The distance from Jamalpur to Gazipur to Jamalpur is 152.5 km and it is one of the popular bus routes that remains busy almost all the time. There are many buses on the route and they have to maintain a schedule. So those who want to travel from Jamalpur to Gazipur to Jamalpur by bus must know the schedule. For the trip, you will need about 4 hr 10 min.
- 4 hr 2 min (152.5 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4
- 4 hr 13 min (146.0 km) via Dhaka – Mymensingh Hwy/N3
- 4 hr 11 min (148.1 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4 and Dhaka – Mymensingh Hwy
Jamalpur To Gazipur Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
Jamalpur to Gazipur is the most popular bus route and a lot of buses run on the route daily. Among all of them, Sipat Enterprise will be the best for Jamalpur to Gazipur route. Modern tech-based Sipat Enterprise serves you a safe and comfortable journey. The ticket price is only 130 Tk.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Sipat Enterprise | — | — | 130 | — |
Gazipur To Jamalpur Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
The most popular buses are on operation on Gazipur to Jamalpur route. Among them, Sipat Enterprise is most notable. You will get available Sipat Enterprise on Gazipur to Jamalpur route and you will get a safe and full of pleasure journey by the two buses. The ticket prices are also given in the below box.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Sipat Enterprise | — | — | 130 | — |
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