Dinajpur is a district under the Rangpur division, and Sylhet is a very well-known district and division. The distance between the two places is 538 km. Do you want to travel from Dinajpur To Sylhet or Sylhet to Dinajpur by bus? Then this article is for you. This article will share the bus schedules, ticket prices, and some essential information you need in this article.
- 13 hr 50 min (538.1 km) via Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2
Dinajpur To Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
If you notice below, you will get two bus schedules. Hanif and Syamoli are the most popular and modern buses running in the whole country and beyond the country. These buses are available on Dinajpur to Sylhet route, and I have arranged the detailed schedules with the ticket prices of these buses in the below table.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Hanif | — | — | 900 | — | |
Shyamoli | — | — | 800 | — |
Sylhet To Dinajpur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Sylhet to Dinajpur bus schedules and ticket prices are available here. I want to inform you that there are many buses on the route, but most are not safe and reliable. In this case, you may travel by Hanif and Shyamoli bus, a prevalent and well-known bus. In the following table, you will be able to get all the remaining information in detail.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Hanif | — | — | 900 | — | |
Shyamoli | — | — | 800 | — |
I have collected all the information from some authentic sources to make proper use of them. Have a good journey.