Dhaka to Rajshahi is about 250 km far and one of the popular routes in the country. Dhaka is the capital, and Raqjshai is the divisional city of the country. So there are many buses run from Dhaka to Rajshahi to Dhaka with thousands of people. So in case, the most important thing you should know the bus schedule and ticket prices of the route.
- 6 hr 28 min (245.4 km) via Dhaka – Rajshahi Hwy/N507
- 7 hr 22 min (256.6 km) via Dhaka – Pabna Hwy/N6
- 8 hr 39 min (314.1 km) via Rajshahi – Naogaon Hwy/R685
Dhaka To Rajshahi Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
You know that Dhaka to Rajshahi is the best busy and popular route for traveling. The route always remains busy, and so you have to know the schedules of the buses of the route. Here I have arranged all the schedules of the buses of the route with their ticket prices. Just have a look there and choose your desirable bus.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Desh Travels | — | — | 720 | 1200 | |
Hanif | 05:45 PM | 05:45 PM | 720 | — | |
Shyamoli | — | — | 720 | — | |
Tuhin Elit | — | — | 720 | — | |
Grameen Travels | — | — | 720 | 1200 | |
National Travels | — | — | 720 | 1200 | |
Akota | 06:00 AM | 11:55 PM | 720 | 1200 | |
Ena | — | — | 720 | 1200 |
Rajshahi To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
There are numerous buses on the route, but here I have arranged some reliable and dependable bus agencies that always serve the best service and secure journey to their passengers. There are different ticket prices for different buses. I have collected here two categories of tickets Ac & Non-Ac. The ticket prices totally depend on the bus quality.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Desh Travels | — | — | 720 | 1200 | |
Hanif | 720 | — | |||
Shyamoli | — | — | 720 | — | |
Tuhin Elit | — | — | 720 | — | |
Grameen Travels | — | — | 720 | 1200 | |
National Travels | — | — | 720 | 1200 | |
Akota | — | — | 720 | — | |
Ena | — | — | 720 | 1200 |
All the information in this article is based on some authentic sources. So there is no room for being wrong with the above information. Have a good journey.