Dhaka to Feni to Dhaka is a long-distance route. If you want to travel from Parbotipur to Birampur then you have to pass approximately 157 km. But for a good journey by bus, you must know the bus scheduel. Also, you have to know the ticket prices. Here I have arranged all the information from top to bottom. Please keep reading to get all the information.
Dhaka To Feni Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Dhaka to Feni is one of the common routes in the country. So most of the buses have the walk to the route. If you want to travel from Dhaka to Feni by bus then you will need a reliable and comfortable bus. In this case, I will suggest you Ena and Soudia bus that are very popular and modern buses on the route. The remaining information is given in the below box.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ena | 12:30 AM | 11:45 PM | 400 | — | |
Soudia | 06:15 AM | 11:30 PM | 400 | — | |
STAR LINE | — | — | 400 | 650 |
Feni To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Though there are many buses in operation on Feni to Dhaka route, most of them are not reliable. If you notice below, you will be able to find two reliable and popular buses of the route named Enah, and Soudia bus. Both buses are very popular to all for their best and comfortable services. You will also get the ticket prices of the buses.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ena | 05:00 AM | 11:55 PM | 400 | — | |
Soudia | — | — | 400 | — | |
STAR LINE | — | — | 400 | 650 |
I hope your journey will be enjoyable and safe if you travel by any of the suggested buses. If you travel to any of the places in the country by bus then come to the site again. Here you will get all the bus-related information in detail.