The total distance from Cox’s Bazar to Rangpur To Cox’s Bazar by bus is 555 km. Do you want to travel from Cox’s Bazar to Rangpur to Cox’s Bazar and searching the bus schedule and the ticket prices of the route? Don’t worry. I am here with you. I will share with you all the information you should know to get the best journey. So let’s get started.
Cox’s Bazar To Rangpur Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
You know that Shyamoli the leading bus agency in the country. There are very few places where Shyamoli Agency has no service. So you can also be able to have an enjoyable journey by Shyamoli bus from Cox’s Bazar to Rangpur. To make the journey recreational you have to know the schedule and ticket prices of the bus. So here I have added the schedule and ticket prices of the bus.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shyamoli | — | — | 1100 | — |
Rangpur To Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
If you want to travel from Rangpur to Cox’s Bazar by bus, then the following information is for you. Shyamoli is the only bus that runs from Rangpur to Cox’s Bazar. So you can travel by bus on the route. And for the trip, you have to pay 1100 Tk. To get more information, read the following information.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shyamoli | — | — | 1100 | — |
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