Chhagalnaiya to Dhaka to Chhagalnaiya is one of the bus destinations, and many buses run from Chhagalnaiya to Dhaka to Chhagalnaiya with hundreds of passengers. Before traveling, you should know the bus schedules and ticket prices of the route. And today I am going to share with you all the information you need on the way of journey.
- 3 hr 46 min (169.9 km) via Dhaka – Chittagong Hwy/N1 and N1
- 6 hr (193.5 km) via Gauripur – Kachua Rd/Z1044
Chhagalnaiya To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Chhagalnaiya is an Upazila of Feni District in the Division of Chittagong. And the distance from the place to Dhaka is approximately 170 km. ENA is one of the popular buses on the route. So I will suggest you travel by bus. The detailed information is given below.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
ENA | — | — | 290 | — |
Dhaka To Chhagalnaiya Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
I think that you are looking for a popular bus for your Dhaka to Chhagalnaiya journey. If I am right, you will be able to get here a reliable bus with its schedules and ticket prices of Dhaka to Chhagalnaiya route. Please keep reading; I hope you’ll have a recreational journey.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
ENA | — | — | 290 | — |
After long research, I have collected all the information from a valid source. To get more information, come to the site again. Stay safe.