Do you want to travel from Chapainawabganj to Sylhet to Chapainawabganj by bus and so want to know the bys schedule and the ticket prices of the route? If yes, then you are at the right place. In this article, I will share the bus schedules and ticket prices of the routes with you. Just keep reading the following information carefully and note down what you need.
- 12 hr 7 min (525.2 km) via Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2
- 12 hr 37 min (534.8 km) via Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2 and Dhaka – Rajshahi Hwy/N507
- 13 hr 22 min (534.1 km) via Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2 and Dhaka – Rangpur Hwy/N5
Chapainawabganj To Sylhet Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
Chapainawabganj to Sylhet is one of the popular and busy roads, and many people travel from Chapainawabganj to Sylhet by bus daily to meet their daily necessities. Are you finding the bus schedules and ticket prices of the route? Here is a table below where I have arranged three types of buses and their ticket prices. Just have a look there and collect the data that you need.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
vai vai special | — | — | 800 | — | |
R. P. Elegance | — | — | 700 | — | |
Rice Transport | — | — | 700 | — |
Sylhet To Chapainawabganj Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
Do you want to travel from Sylhet to Chapainawabganj by bus? Then you have to know the bus schedule and the ticket prices of the route. There are three buses on the route named Vai Vai special, R. P. Elegance, and Rice Transport, and the fares of the buses are respectively 800, 700. and 700 Tk.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
vai vai special | — | — | 800 | — | |
R. P. Elegance | — | — | 700 | — | |
Rice Transport | — | — | 700 | — |
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