Do you want to travel from Chapainawabganj to Cox’s Bazar or Cox’s Bazar to Chapainawabganj by bus, and so you are here to collect the bus schedule and ticket prices of the buses? If yes, then you are at the right place. The total distance of the route is 709.7 km via N1 and the total time you need 15 hr 46 min. All the information that you are looking for has already been given below, just have a look there.
Chapainawabganj To Cox’s Bazaar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Shyamoli is one of the leading-class bus transports in the country. Shyamoli bus travels in the whole country even beyond the country. This reputed bus also travels from Chapainawabganj to Cox’s Bazar. So if you want to travel from Chapainawabganj to Cox’s Bazar you will be able to make your journey by the Shymoil bus. The ticket price is not very costly, within the reach.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shyamoli | — | — | 1100 | — |
Cox’s Bazaar To Chapainawabganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Cox’s Bazaar to Chapainawabganj is a popular route and many buses run on the route. But the passengers of the route often look for a reliable bus so that they can make their journey enjoyable and safe. This is why I am here with the information on a reliable bus schedule and ticket price. All the information is arranged in the following table carefully.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shyamoli | — | — | 1100 | — |
I hope you have already read the whole article carefully and collected the information that you need. I want to assure you that all the information in this article is updated and correct. If you get any trouble here please let me inform. Have a good journey.