Chapai Nawabganj to Sylhet to Chapai Nawabganj is the most common and one of the busy bus routes. There are numerous buses run on the route from Chapai Nawabganj to Sylhet to Chapai Nawabganj. The most important information you want to know for a good journey is to know the bus schedule and ticket prices. Today I will share the information about Chapai Nawabganj to Sylhet to Chapai Nawabganj bus schedules and ticket prices in detail.
- 11 hr 51 min (506.3 km) via Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2
- 13 hr 38 min (536.9 km) via N5 and Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2
Chapai Nawabganj To Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
If you notice below, you will get three reliable bus schedules known as Rice Transport, R. P. Elegance, and Vai Vai bus. All of the buses are dependable, and you can travel any of the buses. The ticket prices of the buses are about to same.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Rice Transport | — | — | 700 | — | |
R. P. Elegance | — | — | 700 | — | |
Vai Vai | — | — | 800 | — |
Sylhet To Chapai Nawabganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Rice Transport, R. P. Elegance, and Vai Vai are some of the popular and well-known buses serving their communication services for a long time with great trust. Like other popular bus routes, these buses run from Sylhet to Chapai Nawabganj with hundreds of passengers.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Rice Transport | — | — | 700 | — | |
R. P. Elegance | — | — | 700 | — | |
Vai Vai | — | — | 800 | — |
Read the whole article from top to bottom and collect all the information you need. I have arranged all the information from some authentic sources. Stay safe.