Bus Counter

Binimoy Paribahan Bus Counter

People often need for contact numbers of a certain bus service. They often want to know the details about a certain bus counter, that is why we are here today. Today we have an article about the Binimoy Paribahan bus counter. This is a well-known bus service in Bangladesh. Every day many people travel through this bus service. Often people find the nearest bus counter and try to contact them. That is why we will provide today their contact number and the exact bus counter location too. Read this article from beginning to end to know the information you are looking for.

Binimoy Paribahan Bus Counter Number

Binimo0y Paribohon Bus Counter is a very popular bus transport in Bangladesh. So, many people are looking for information about Binimoy Paribahan Bus Counter Number. Being a very popular bus transport, it has many bus counters in different places in Bangladesh. People are often looking for the bus counter and their contact numbers. But they don’t get this information properly. Today, I am here with all the information on the Binimoy bus counter and their contact numbers. So if you want to know the location and contact number of Binimoy Paribahan Bus Counter, please read the article carefully.

Binimoy Paribahan Bus Counter Dhaka

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. So many bus transports are available here. Binimoy Paribahan is one of them. People, most of the time, want to have the nearest counter and try to contact them. Binimoy Paribahan has three branches in Dhaka. They are Dhaka (khalek pamp) Bus Counter, Savar Bus Counter, Baipail Bus Counter. And here we have given all their contact numbers as well. So if you want to have information about this Counter, read this article and pick up your desired information.

Dhaka (khalek pamp)Bus Counter

  • 01724-592058
  • 01704-811006

Savar Bus Counter

  • 01912-081358

Baipail Bus Counter

  • 01797-178797

Binimoy Paribahan Bus Counter Dhanbari

Binimoy Paribahan Bus Counter Dhanbari is a well-known bus counter. Are you willing to have the nearest Binimoy Bus counter and want to have their contact numbers in Dhanbari? Don’t worry. We are working for you. Binimpy Paribahan has three bus counters in Dhanbari. They are the Ghatail Bus counter, Dhanbari Bus counter, and Madhupur Bus Counter. We have added the contact numbers of these counters. So read the article and pick up the information that you need.

Ghatail Bus Counter

  • 01708-969557

Dhanbari Bus Counter

  • 01713-579227

Madhupur Bus Counter

  • 01708-969556

We try to add the correct and update information as far as possible. If you find any mistake in this article or face any problem, inform us immediately. We will try to solve all the problems soon. Have a nice journey. Thanks for staying with us.