Babul Paribahan is a well-known bus transport service in Bangladesh. Everyday many people are traveling by Babul Paribahan Bus. Being famous, it has many counters in Bangladesh. Bulbul Paribahan also has some bus counter in the Dinajpur district. Everyday many people search for information about the bus counter of Babul Paribahan in Dinajpur. So here I’m going to write information about the Babul Poribahan Bus counter in Dinajpur. If you want to travel by Babul Paribahan bus from Dinajpur, follow the following article.
Bablu Paribahan Bus Counter Dinajpur
As we can see in the below list. Babul Paribahan has a bunch of bus counters in Dinajpur. We have collected detailed information of 6 different bus counter exact locations and the contact numbers. And we are going to provide that in the following list. As we can see, Babul Paribahan has its bus counter in Dinajpur Bus Counter, Setbgonj Bus Counter, Fulbary Bus Counter, Birampur Bas Counter, Sayadpur Bus Counter, Birganj Bus Counter. We have collected all of their phone numbers to collect your desired information related to their bus service.
Dinajpur Bus Counter
- 01190-376054
- 053163688
Setabganj Bus Counter
- 01710-044670
- 01198-194093
Fulbari Bus Counter
- 01920-721714
Birampur Bus Counter
- 01191-166400
Saidpur Bus Counter
- 0552672645
Birganj Bus Counter
- 01716-346700
I tried my best to collect and provide the proper information here. The information in this article may change anytime, like contact numbers, counter locations. If you face any problem or have more information about this article, please leave a comment.