Maybe you want to travel from Bakerganj to Dhaka to Bakerganj by bus, and this is why you are here to know the bus schedules and ticket prices of the route. Bakerganj is an Upazila of Barisal District in the Barisal Division, and Dhaka is 230.6 km from the place. If you want to travel from Bakerganj to Dhaka to Bakerganj, you have to know the route’s bus schedules and ticket prices. Keep reading the article to get all the information you need.
- 7 hr 41 min (206.4 km) via Faridpur-Barisal Highway/N8
- 8 hr 40 min (260.4 km) via Faridpur-Barisal Highway/N8 and R504
- 8 hr 52 min (230.6 km) via N809
Bakerganj To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
After long research, I have collected two buses for your Bakerganj to Dhaka bus journey named Hanifa and Saebick. Both of the buses are very popular and with modern technologies. You will be given all the services and facilities while traveling on the bus.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Hanif | — | — | 500 | — | |
Saebick | — | — | 550 | — |
Dhaka To Bakerganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Hanif and Saebick are trendy and well-known buses. The buses are with all the modern technologies and serve the best services to their passengers. Now the buses are available from Dhaka to Bakerganj roue. I have also arranged here the ticket prices for both of the routes.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Hanif | — | — | 500 | — | |
Saebick | — | — | 550 | — |
Keep you safe from any other problems and be careful while traveling on the bus. Please stay connected with us for more information. Thank you.