Do you want to travel from Dhaka to Nimphamari to Dhaka by bus and so you want to know the bus schedule and ticket prices of some reliable buses on the route? If yes, then this article will be the best for you. In this article, I am going to share with you the bus schedule, ticket prices, total distance & times, and so on information in detail. So let’s get started.
Dhaka To Nilphamari Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
For a better and safe journey from Dhaka to Nilphamari by bus, Nabil, and Hanif will be the best for you. These are the most popular and renowned buses on Dhaka to Nilphamari route. You will be able to have a comfortable journey. The ticket price of these buses is not so costly, within the reach. For more information, read the following table carefully.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Nabil | 08:10 AM | 11:00 PM | 1000 | 1650 | |
Agomony Express | 08:00 PM | 08:00 PM | — | 1200 | |
Hanif | 08:00 AM | 10:00 PM | 850 | — |
Nilphamari To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
For a better and safe journey from Nimphamari to Dhaka by bus, Nabil, and Hanif will be the best for you. These are the most popular and renowned buses on Nimphamari to Dhaka route. You will be able to have a comfortable journey. The ticket price of these buses is not so costly, within the reach. For more information, read the following table carefully.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Nabil | 08:45 PM | 05:00 AM | 800 | 1650 | |
Agomony Express | — | — | —- | 1200 | |
Hanif | 08:30 AM | 03:50 PM | 850 | — |
- The total distance and price are 9 hr 59 min (356.5 km) via Dhaka – Rangpur Hwy/N5
- 11 hr 32 min (386.9 km) via N5 and Dhaka – Rangpur Hwy/N5
These all are the updated news to me till now. If you face any problems here, then let me inform you, I will try to fix them as soon as possible. For more information, come to the site again.