The Rojena Enterprise is a bus service company in Bangladesh. This is one of the well-known bus services in Dhaka city. People often search for information about the Rojena Enterprise. But there is not much information on the internet. We are here to solve that issue. Today we will be providing the contact numbers of bus services in the city. So you can easily contact with them and find the details and information you are searching for. We will provide the Rojena Enterprises with two contact numbers. one is the number of the Dhaka bus counter and the other is the number of the Gabtali bus counter.
Rojena Enterprise Bus Counter Number
Here we got the information about the Rojena Enterprise bus service. We have researched and found their contact numbers. We have given two different numbers of the Rojena Enterprise. The two different number is for two different branches of their bus service.
Rojena Enterprise Bus Counter Dhaka
First, think about which of the counter information you are looking for. Like if you need to know the Dhaka bus counter number then collect the following Dhaka Bus Counter number of the Rojena Enterprise. If you need the Gabtali Bus Counter’s number then collect that. We’ve given both for you.
Dhaka Bus Counter
- 01748-478603
Gabtali Bus Counter
- 8019552
These were the two numbers of the Rojena Enterprise in the Dhaka city. You can contact them in-office time to know information about their bus service. You can know when their bus will arrive. From where their bus starts and where arrives. You can also know about their bus ticket fee. You can ask them any questions related to their bus service. If this number does not work. Or if you think we have mistaken on something, you can complain in the comment section. Also, you can comment if we have mistaken on something.