Many people travel from Nazirhat to Dhaka to Nazirhat, and in this case, they prefer the bus. As all the buses have to maintain their schedules and rules, you must know the schedules and essential information of these buses that are very hard to collect for a hassle-free journey. To relax you, I have arranged here all the bus schedules of the ticket prices of Nazirhat to Dhaka to Nazirhat route.
- 5 hr 48 min (238.2 km) via Dhaka – Chittagong Hwy/N1 and N1
Nazirhat To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Nazirhat is a place located in the Chittagong district. If you want to travel from Nazirhat to Dhaka, you have to pass about 238.2 KM, and it will need 5 hr 48 min. After long research, I have arranged here S Alam bus schedules and ticket prices. This bus has been providing the best services to its passengers.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
S Alam | — | — | 660 | — | |
Hanif | — | — | 660 | — | |
Shyamoli | — | — | 660 | — |
Dhaka To Nazirhat Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Dhaka to Nazirhat bus schedules and ticket prices are available here. If you are a passenger of the route, then this article is for you. I want to inform you that the S Alam bus will be the best for your journey. The ticket prices of the bus are given below.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
S Alam | — | — | 660 | — | |
Shyamoli | — | — | 660 | — | |
Hanif | 08:00 AM | 09:00 PM | 660 | — |
All the information in this article is based on some authentic sources. So there is no room for being wrong with the above information. Have a good journey.