Bus Schedule

Sonapur To Dhaka To Sonapur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Do you want to travel from Sonapur to Dhaka Sonapur by bus? Don’t worry. In the following article, I will share the route’s bus schedules and ticket prices. I hope if you read the whole article carefully, you will get all the information in detail. So keep reading.

Sonapur To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Many buses run from Sonapur to Dhaka, but you need a popular and reliable bus for a better journey. Then you will be able to enjoy the journey. Ekushey Express, Himachal Express, and Moon line are the three buses also run on the route. Here are the schedules and ticket prices of these buses in the below table.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Ekushey Express 350 500
Himachal Express 350
Moon line 350 400

Dhaka To Sonapur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

If you want to travel from Dhaka to Sonapur by bus, then this article is for you. If you notice below, you will find three bus schedules of the route with their ticket prices. So, not to waste time, keep reading the following table and collect information that you need.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Ekushey Express 350 500
Himachal Express 350
Moon line 350 400

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