Shyamoli Paribahan is one of the renowned Inter-district bus services in Bangladesh. They services almost all the districts in Bangladesh. In this article, I am going to write about the Shyamoli Paribahan Bus Counter In Syedpur. If you looking for the information about this counter, Don’t worry here I have brought detailed information about this counter, just read this article cordially.
Shyamoli Paribahan Bus Counter In Syedpur
Syedpur is one of the busiest cities in the Nilfamari district. A huge number of peoples are traveling from this city every day. Sometimes people need to know various types of information related to their journey, like bus departure time and place, ticket price, etc. Below I have added the Syedpur bus counter’s contact number. Directly call to the counter by using the following numbers.
Syedpur Bus Counter
Phone No: 0552-62082
Mobile No: 01716-586058
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