Bus Schedule

Satkhira To Cox’s Bazar To Satkhira Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

A great number of people travel from Satkhira to Cox’s Bazar to Satkhira by bus to meet their daily needs. Often they face problems getting the bus schedule and ticket prices for the route properly. Also, they are to stand in line in the bus station for hours in a noisy place. So to alleviate all the problems, I have collected all the information and already gathered it here serially.

  • 14 hr 55 min (545.2 km) via N1
  • 16 hr 23 min (643.7 km) via Jessore – Satkhira Hwy/R780 and N1
  • 18 hr 51 min (791.4 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4 and N1

Satkhira To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

If you want to travel from Satkhira to Cox’s Bazar by bus then you will be able to get lots of buses. But by all the buses, you will not get a comfortable journey. If you want to have a comfortable journey then I will suggest you Eagle bus for Satkhira to Cox’s Bazar trip. The remaining information is given below.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Eagle 1350

Cox’s Bazar To Satkhira Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Eagle is now a very popular and comfortable bus agency in Bangladesh that is in operation on all the routes of the country with a great reputation. Though there are numerous buses on Cox’s Bazar to Satkhira route, Eagle will be the best for traveling for you. For the trip, the ticket price is only 1350 Tk.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Eagle 1350

On the site, you will be able to get all the bus-related information based on some authentic sources. Stay connected with us for more updates.