Bus Schedule

Rajshahi To Cox’s Bazar To Rajshahi Bus Ticket Price

Daily a great number of people travel from one place to another place by bus.  If you don’t know the bus schedule and ticket prices before the trip, you may have many problems on the way. Maybe you want to travel from Rajshahi To Cox’s Bazar To Rajshahi by bus. Today I am here with detailed information about the Rajshahi To Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price on the route.

  • 14 hr 13 min (638.2 km) via N1
  • 15 hr 27 min (640.3 km) via N5 and N1

Rajshahi To Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule

Being a popular route, there are many buses run from Rajshahi To Cox’s Bazar route. If you want to travel from Rajshahi To Cox’s Bazar, then you will get two bus agencies. And Rajshahi to Cox’s Bazar bus ticket price is 1100 Tk. I have given detailed information about the topic in the following table.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Desh Travels 1600
Shyamoli 1600

Cox’s Bazar To Rajshahi Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule

Desh Travels and Shyamoli are the most common and popular buses of Cox’s Bazar To Rajshahi route. If you want to travel from Cox’s Bazar To Rajshahi, you have to travel on two buses. In the following table, I have given the bus ticket price. Keep reading to get all the information.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Desh Travels 1600
Shyamoli 1600

The information is given here based on authentic sources. I always try to serve here updated and correct information to get useable information and make proper use of it. For now, know about Cox’s Bazar To Rajshahi Bus Ticket Price