Bus Schedule

Pabna To Cox’s Bazar To Pabna Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Many people of our country travel from Pabna to Cox’s Bazar or Cox’s Bazar to Pabna by bus to fill up their daily needs. Most of the travelers don’t have any information about the bus schedule and ticket prices of the route. As a result, they are to face lots of problems on the way of the journey. This is why I am here with a reliable bus schedule and its ticket price. To get all the information keep reading the article.

  • 12 hr 38 min (536.5 km) via N1
  • 13 hr 7 min (596.2 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4 and N1

Pabna To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

There are many buses run from Pabna to Cox’s Bazar with many passengers. But on the route, there is also a reliable and reputed bus agency named Shyamoli. You can make a sound journey by the Shyamoli transport from Pabna to Cox’s Bazar route. I have also added in the below table the ticket price.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Shyamoli 1100

Cox’s Bazar To Pabna Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Cox’s Bazar to Pabna is one of the well-known routes that remains always busy. Shyamoli is a popular route that has been providing the best services to the passengers of Cox’s Bazar to Pabna route for a long time ago with a great reputation.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Shyamoli 1100

That’s all about the topic. If you read the whole article from top to bottom then you will be able to get all the information you are looking for. Stay connected with us. Thank you.