Do you want to travel from Mymensingh to Dhaka to Mymensingh by bus, and want to know the route’s bus schedules and ticket prices? If yes, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will be able to get detailed information about the bus schedules with the ticket prices of the route.
ENA, Sokhin Express, and Shamim Enterprise are very common and popular buses on Mymensingh to Dhaka route. If you want to travel on the route by these buses, then read the following information whereby you will get the bus schedule and ticket prices. The ticket price is 220 Tk.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
ENA | — | — | 220 | — | |
Sokhin Express | — | — | 220 | — | |
Shamim Enterprise | — | — | 220 | — |
If you notice below, you will be able to get three schedules of buses named ENA, Sokhin Express, and Shamim Enterprise of Dhaka to Mymensingh. These bus agencies that serve well on the route are very popular on the route. The ticket price for the buses is the same.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
ENA | — | — | 220 | — | |
Sokhin Express | — | — | 220 | — | |
Shamim Enterprise | — | — | 220 | — |
Finally, I am at the last stage of the article. If you think this article is not adequate for you, leave a comment in the following table. I will try to serve your information in time.
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Need to clear information about first trip & last trip time (Mymensingh to Dhaka & Dhaka to Mymensingh)