If you want to travel from Kishoreganj to Gazipur to the Kishoreganj route, you must pass around 77 km. Kishoreganj to Gazipur to Kishoreganj is one of the popular and busy routes. There are many buses from Kishoreganj to Gazipur to Kishoreganj route. If you want to know all the schedules with the ticket prices, this article is for you. For all the information, keep reading.
The travelers who travel from Kishoreganj to Gazipur find the bus agency and their schedules at the bus station or counter. They are to suffer a lot for it. To minimize their sufferings, I have collected all the schedules of buses on the Kishoreganj to Gazipur route and gathered them all in the following table systematically. Also, they will be able to get here ticket price too.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ananya | — | — | 180 | — | |
Ananya classic | — | — | 180 | — |
Like other destinations, Gazipur to the Kishoreganj route has lots of buses, and they travel with a lot of passengers. Ananya and Ananya classic are two bus agencies that si top-rated and the best service providers for the route. So you can easily travel from Gazipur to Kishoreganj by the following bus. Keep reading the following bus schedules and ticket prices. You will get an enjoyable journey.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ananya | — | — | 180 | — | |
Ananya classic | — | — | 180 | — |
I hope you are pleased to get the information. Also, you will be able to get this site any bus-related information. So for any information come to the sit again. Thank you.