The bus is now the best communication service provider, and it is so available that you will be able to get a bus everywhere in the country. The bus service is very expanded. So you will get buses easily where you want to travel. Feni to Teknaf to Feni bus service is available. Today I’m going to share with you the bus schedule and the ticket prices of the route.
- 7 hr 36 min (318.8 km) via N1 and Dhaka – Chittagong Hwy/N1
Fani To Teknaf Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
If you notice below, you will be able to get two schedules of buses named Tuba Lina and Shyamoli of Feni to the Teknaf route. The two bus agencies serve well on the route. The two buses are very popular on the route. The ticket price for the buses is from 700 to 750 Tk.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Tuba Line
— | — | 750 | — | |
Shyamali | — | — | 700 | — |
Teknaf To Fani Bus Ticket Price & Bus Schedule
ETuba Lina and Shyamoli are very common and popular buses on Teknaf to Fani route. If you want to travel on the route by these buses, then read the following information whereby you will get the bus schedule and ticket prices. The ticket price is 750 Tk.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Tuba Line
— | — | 750 | — | |
Shyamali | — | — | 700 | — |
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