Bus Schedule

Dhaka To Barisal To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Many people travel from Dhaka to Barisal to Dhaka daily as their daily routine or often.  This article is for them that will serve them all the reliable bus schedules and the ticket prices of Dhaka to Barisal to Dhaka route. For the whole trip, you have to pass 237.5 km via Dhaka – Barisal Highway/Faridpur-Barisal Highway/N8 and you need 7 hr 43 min. To get all the information in detail read the following information carefully.

Dhaka To Barisal Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Dhaka to Barisal is one of the main and well-known routes in the country. All the renowned and popular buses run on the route daily with hundreds of passengers. To know which bus will be the best for you, keep your eyes below in the following table. Almost all the reliable bus schedules are gathered here with their seat price. There are AC and Non-AC buses here.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Hanif 07:30 AM 10:45 PM 600
Soudia 03:00 AM 03:00 AM
Diganta Paribahan 600 1000
Sakura 450/550
Sarbic 600
Eagle 600
Ranga Porvat 600
Ahmed 600
Surjomukhi 600
MM 600
Surovi 1000
Greenline 1000

Barisal To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

There are some schedules of some most dedicated buses of the Barisal to Dhaka route in the table below. Being the most common and crowded route, there are many buses run on the route with thousands of passengers. Do you want to travel from Barisal to Dhaka? then focus on the following article carefully and collect the information that you need.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Hanif 07:00 PM 07:30 PM 600
Diganta Paribahan 600 1000
Sakura 600 1000
Sarbic 600 1000
Eagle 600
Ranga Porvat 600
Ahmed 600
Surjomukhi 600
MM 600
Surovi 1000
Greenline 1000

All this information given above is collected from some authentic sources. I hope all this information will help you to get all the preparation for your journey without going to the station. For any information come to the site.