You can easily travel from Cox’s Bazar To Sarishabari To Cox’s Bazar by bus. Cox’s Bazar To Sarishabari To Cox’s Bazar bus schedule and ticket price information are here for you. If you like to travel by bus and want to travel Cox’s Bazar To Sarishabari To Cox’s Bazar by bus, this article is for you.
Cox’s Bazar To Sarishabari Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Cox’s Bazar To Sarishabari is a route where bus traveling will be the best choice for everyone. All the bus names, first trip, last trip, and ticket price information for Cox’s Bazar To Sarishabari bus station are available in the below table. Choose a bus, choose a seat category you like, and buy a ticket online or from the bus counter.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC |
BIPUL ENTERPRISE | 4:40 PM | 10:00 AM | 1500 | 1700 |
Sarishabari To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Sarishabari To Cox’s Bazar has those bus that runs the Cox’s Bazar To Sarishabari route. To travel from Sarishabari To Cox’s Bazar, you must choose a bus first and buy a bus ticket. Here is the detailed information about the Sarishabari To Cox’s Bazar bus schedule and ticket price below:
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC |
BIPUL ENTERPRISE | — | — | 1500 | 1700 |
Every bus needs to confirm tickets first except local buses. For traveling on the Cox’s Bazar To Sarishabari To Cox’s Bazar route, buy a bus ticket from the bus counter or online. Have a safe journey.