Bus Schedule

Chuadanga To Dhaka To Chuadanga Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Chuadanga to Dhaka to Chuadanga is a long-distance bus destination, and it is spread over 285.4 km. There are three routes to go from Chuadanga to Dhaka to Chuadanga, and the distance and times will vary based on these routes. Here I have arranged all the bus schedules and ticket prices of the route. To get all of them, keep reading.

  • 7 hr 29 min (215.7 km) via Dhaka – Kushtia Hwy/R710
  • 7 hr 33 min (210.9 km) via Jhenaidah – Chuadanga Rd/R745
  • 7 hr 51 min (285.4 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4

Chuadanga To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

There are many buses run on the route daily, being a popular route. Among all of them, the four reliable buses are available here named Royal, Shyamoli, Purbasha, and JR. All the buses are included all the modern technologies and serve their customers the best services. The remaining information is given below.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Royal 700
Shyamoli 700
Purbasha 700
JR 700

Dhaka To Chuadanga Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Royal, Shyamoli, Purbasha, and JR are the notable buses of the Dhaka to Chuadanga route. Notice in the below table, and there you will be able to get four buses with their schedules and ticket prices. Though it is a long-distance route, the ticket prices of the buses are low and the same.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Royal 700
Shyamoli 700
Purbasha 700
JR 700

Be careful and keep all the things close to you while traveling. I hope your journey will be enjoyable and entertaining.