If you plan to make a journey from Benapole to Barisal to Benapole by bus will be the best plan for you. There are many buses on the route run with hundreds of passengers. The distance from Benapole to Barisal to Benapole is 203.8 km that is very lengthy. Here are some bus schedules and ticket prices of Benapole to Barisal to Benapole route from some dependable sources.
- 5 hr 58 min (203.8 km) via N7
- 6 hr (208.5 km) via Gaurnadi-Kotalipara-Gopalganj Hwy
- 6 hr 7 min (205.9 km) via Khulna – Satkhira Rd/R760
Benapole To Barisal Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
For a better journey for you, I have arranged three bus schedules with the ticket prices in the following table in detail of Benapole to Barisal route so that you can get all the information easily and make a pleasurable tour. The remaining information is given in the below table.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Seven Star | — | — | 400 | — | |
Kuakata Express | — | — | 500 | — | |
GM Paribahan | — | — | 350 | — |
Barisal To Benapole Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
A reliable and dependable bus is the prerequisite for a good journey. I hope you will be able to get an exciting journey because I have arranged here some reliable and reputed bus schedules of Barisal to Benapole route that are the best facilities providers to its passengers. Also, you will be able to know the ticket prices of the bus from the following table.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Seven Star | — | — | 400 | — | |
Kuakata Express | — | — | 500 | — | |
GM Paribahan | — | — | 350 | — |
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