The bus makes the communication services easy and cheap. There are numerous bus destinations in the country now. Beanibazar to Dhaka to Beanibazar is one of them. Beanibazar is an Upazila of Sylhet District in northeastern Bangladesh, and you can easily travel from Beanibazar To Dhaka To Beanibazar by bus. So today, I am going to share with you the Beanibazar To Dhaka bus schedules and ticket prices of the route.
- 7 hr 17 min (277.0 km) via Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2
Beanibazar To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Beanibazar to Dhaka is a popular bus destination, and many people travel from Beanibazar to Dhaka by bus and search the bus schedules and ticket t prices of the route. To make it easy, I have gathered all the bus schedules and ticket prices of the route so that you can get all the information at your nail trip.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shymoli | 08:00 AM | 10:30 PM | 800 | — | |
ENA | — | — | 800 | — |
Dhaka To Beanibazar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
One of the popular Dhaka to Beanibazar is a long-distance route, and you have to pass 277 km for the trip. To travel from Dhaka to Beanibazar, you need a safe and enjoyable journey. This is why I want to suggest Shyamoli, ENA buses.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shymoli | — | — | 800 | — | |
ENA | — | — | 800 | — |
Thanks for staying with us for a long time. I hope you have already collected all the information from the article. Have a good journey.