Mymensingh to Khulna to Mymensingh is one of the bus destinations. Do you want to travel from Mymensingh to Khulna to Mymensingh? Mymensingh is the capital of the Mymensingh Division, and Khulna is the third-largest city in Bangladesh. If you want to travel on the route, then you have to know some essential information. In this article, I have arranged all the information for the route. Just keep reading.
- 9 hr 42 min (356.9 km) via Dhaka – Khulna Hwy/N805
- 10 hr 2 min (336.2 km) via Dhaka – Mymensingh Hwy/N3
- 10 hr 16 min (381.4 km) via N7
Mymensingh To Khulna Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Sonar Modina and Shamim are trendy and well-known buses. The buses are with all the modern technologies and serve the best services to their passengers. Now the buses are available on Mymensingh to Khulna roue. I have also arranged here the ticket prices for both of the routes.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Sonar Modina | — | — | 600 | — | |
Shamim | — | — | — | 1500 |
Khulna To Mymensingh Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
After long research, I have collected two buses for your Khulna to Mymensingh bus journey named Sonar Modina and Shamim. Both of the buses are very popular and with modern technologies. You will be given all the services and facilities while traveling on the bus.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Sonar Modina | — | — | 600 | — | |
Shamim | — | — | — | 1500 |
All the information in this article is correct and current. So read the whole article from beginning to end. To get more information, come to the site again. Thank you.