Deviganj to Dhaka to Deviganj is one of the notable bus destinations. Debiganj is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. It is a long-distance route. Do you want to travel from Deviganj to Dhaka to Deviganj by bus? If yes, keep reading the following information carefully to get the bus schedules and ticket prices thoroughly.
- 10 hr 34 min (363.8 km) via Dhaka – Rangpur Hwy/N5
- 12 hr 15 min (430.1 km) via Joydevpur – Tangail – Jamalpur Hwy/N4
Deviganj To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
On the Deviganj to Dhaka route, you will be able to get many local buses, but you won’t enjoy the journey. In this case, I have arranged here the most well-known and popular bus named Nabil. Nabil bus contains all the modern technologies and services for its passengers.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Nabil | — | — | 600 | — |
Dhaka To Deviganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Deviganj to Dhaka is a long-distance route, and you have to pass about 363 to 430 km for the trip. For a better journey, I have arranged a bus named Nabil with its schedule and ticket prices. The ticket prices of the bus are given in the below table.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Nabil | — | — | 600 | — |
That’s all about the topic. I hope your journey will be entertaining and recreational. To get all the updated information come to the site again.