Here all the information about Sharbik Paribahan bus counter’s in Dhaka. You may know Dhaka is the most crowded city in Asia, every day a huge number of peoples are moving to Dhaka. The people use various types of vehicles for their journey; the bus is the most popular. In Dhaka, a lot of buses available, and the Sharbik Paribahan is one of them. If you will travel somewhere from Dhaka by the Sharbik Paribahan, it is an important article for you.
Sharbik Paribahan Bus Counter Dhaka
Sharbik Paribahan is a private bus transport agency, and they have their branches in different places in Bangladesh. In Dhaka, these bus agencies have three counters located in Saydabad, Nobinogor, and Gabtoli. Below I have also added the contact number of these counters. First, you decide the counter from which counter you want to travel and then pick up the counter’s contact number and call them directly to know more about your trip.
Saydabad Bus Counter
- 01721-059581
Nobinogor Bus Counter
- 01724-846243
Gabtoli Bus Counter
- 01911-771876
- 01712-706722
- 01724-846243
I hope it will be a helpful article for you. If you found any mistake, inform me. The contact numbers can be changed at any time; to know the updated information, you have to keep an eye on this site.